this painting depicts anger, vengeful. the bright, vivid , gaudy red paint suggest a great depth in anger which i want to illustrate. it could also mean passionate , but it somehows shows anger .
warm colours such as orange do help to accentuate the feeling. the strokes are rather rough, moving from one corner swiftly have an intense amount of energy which flows.
there are also paint blots are also randomly splashed on the paper to show the things i can do when im angry.
this picture on the other hand, represents calm and serenity. though yellow is a warm colour, it gives me a very relaxed, comfortable feeling. the strokes are rather soft, mellowed down, not as rough as the picture above.
the long line, which is drag from one end to the other end simply shows that nothing is in the way, and i can just relax without worrying about anything.
its just a simple monotone painting signifying that being calm and relaxed is easy and it should be done always.
this picture gives the feeling of happiness. i randomly flattened the brush ends on the paper, and it produces flower shape. dotted lines are added , connecting all the splats together , and to join all of them, green curvy lines were drawn. complementary colours are used ; red and green, and it reminds me of christmas, where it is filled with warmth and joy.
the overal shape, it looks like a bouquet of roses, and it is a symbol of happiness, joyful.